

Cloan Estate was acquired by my Great Grandfather in 1852, adjoining the ancient estate of Gleneagles, first inhabited by Haldanes in the 12th Century.

Cloan rises from 400 feet (120m) to 1,000 feet (300m), with females of 2 or more years in age wintered on the high ground and brought down for calving in the spring.   Unless there is heavy & prolonged snow little or no supplementary feeding is required and the in-calf cows come off the hill in superb condition.   Over the winter period younger stock and bulls are kept in the parks and woodland by the house for ease of care & attention.

Highland Cattle at Cloan

On the estate lives an old lady of nearing 90, born at Cloan in 1915, who remembers there being ‘Highlanders’ in the parks during her childhood.   Unfortunately there are no farming records from those days so we are unable to trace any original bloodlines.

Having always admired the breed, both for their hardiness and great beauty, I acquired my first four yearling heifers in the summer of 2004 followed by a further four in-calf 3 year-olds in the autumn of 2005 and. a month or so later, our first Stock Bull.   In the spring of 2006 our first four calves were born; the Cloan Fold was up and running!

D80_5299 grampians + ghillie and alice